2) Why does OUP have to charge $225 for On the Human Image? Honestly!!! If it ever comes out in paper, that will likely also be too expensive for me to buy. That sort of a book demands a paper copy, not sitting at a screen reading an e-book.
3) I appreciate John Maddex's intentions with these documentaries; in no instance did I hear him being anything other than kind and polite. I haven't listened too all the presentations (don't intend to), but John kept coming back to "free will". I think he said he read Hart's book. I'm not sure he understands Hart's point (and St Maximios') about how free our will actually is as we stumble through this life. I'm not sure he has the would allow for God having ways which we don't know about to open our eyes, to enlighten us (for which we ask in many Orthodox prayers, esp the morning prayers) so that we will turn to him without our "free will" being violated. "Imagination" is not a good word in Orthodox parlance, all right, I get that. What about humility-infused depth and breadth of thought about the depth and breadth of God's love? It's frustrating that some good thinkers can't think about/'imagine" the ultimate good on the basis of God's ultimate goodness.
Yes, and also a free will is actually just a will that is properly guided by the "single eye of our heart" (as Jesus teaches) and which is also called our "nous."
This is an important and key point. A truly free will is one capable of seeing clearly. But I do understand why some people could say that the focus on Universalism as it often is framed, might find it problematic. I don't think the human will can outlast God's love, or that God ever is capable of anger or wrath as a passion--rather than simply being ontological truth which does correct us at times by notifying of us of our state of delusion by allowing suffering--but I do have trouble not feeling like suffering and our orientation towards God and openness to him in this life, have consequences. God's removal of obstacles to coming to him, will be painful, if our life is spent attached to these things, this false self or ego.
1) Thank you for the round-up.
2) Why does OUP have to charge $225 for On the Human Image? Honestly!!! If it ever comes out in paper, that will likely also be too expensive for me to buy. That sort of a book demands a paper copy, not sitting at a screen reading an e-book.
3) I appreciate John Maddex's intentions with these documentaries; in no instance did I hear him being anything other than kind and polite. I haven't listened too all the presentations (don't intend to), but John kept coming back to "free will". I think he said he read Hart's book. I'm not sure he understands Hart's point (and St Maximios') about how free our will actually is as we stumble through this life. I'm not sure he has the would allow for God having ways which we don't know about to open our eyes, to enlighten us (for which we ask in many Orthodox prayers, esp the morning prayers) so that we will turn to him without our "free will" being violated. "Imagination" is not a good word in Orthodox parlance, all right, I get that. What about humility-infused depth and breadth of thought about the depth and breadth of God's love? It's frustrating that some good thinkers can't think about/'imagine" the ultimate good on the basis of God's ultimate goodness.
Yes, and also a free will is actually just a will that is properly guided by the "single eye of our heart" (as Jesus teaches) and which is also called our "nous."
This is an important and key point. A truly free will is one capable of seeing clearly. But I do understand why some people could say that the focus on Universalism as it often is framed, might find it problematic. I don't think the human will can outlast God's love, or that God ever is capable of anger or wrath as a passion--rather than simply being ontological truth which does correct us at times by notifying of us of our state of delusion by allowing suffering--but I do have trouble not feeling like suffering and our orientation towards God and openness to him in this life, have consequences. God's removal of obstacles to coming to him, will be painful, if our life is spent attached to these things, this false self or ego.